PSFTP is a nice little program that allows you to upload files from your local Windows machine to another machine such as a remote GNU/Linux/BSD/Unix/Mac OS X server.
It uses the SSH File Transfer Protocol - SFTP, (this has nothing to do with FTP), and can provide secure file transfer over a network.
Starting PSFTP
You start PSFTP by clicking on its option in the PuTTY folder in the start menu.
When you start PSFTP you will see a prompt like this:
Connecting to a remote machine
To start a session use the open command, this can be a hostname or an IP Address, so:
open warrior@
Moving files
To move a file to the server use the put command, for example:
put image.png
To retrieve a file from the server down to the local machine, use the get command:
get image.png
That is all you really need to know. There are lots of other commands, but because PSFTP is not very forgiving of typing mistakes, I personally find it easier to move files around on the remote server using PuTTY rather than PSFTP.
However for moving files between Windows and a GNU/Linux/Unix machine, PSFTP works really well. However if you do want to know more commands then I have reproduced the program's in-line help below.
PSFTP - command reference
! run a local command
bye finish your SFTP session
cd change your remote working directory
chmod change file permissions and modes
close finish your SFTP session but do not quit PSFTP
del delete files on the remote server
dir list remote files
exit finish your SFTP session
get download a file from the server to your local machine
help give help
lcd change local working directory
lpwd print local working directory
ls list remote files
mget download multiple files at once
mkdir create directories on the remote server
mput upload multiple files at once
mv move or rename file(s) on the remote server
open connect to a host
put upload a file from your local machine to the server
pwd print your remote working directory
quit finish your SFTP session
reget continue downloading files
ren move or rename file(s) on the remote server
reput continue uploading files
rm delete files on the remote server
rmdir remove directories on the remote server
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